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Learning Together. Building Community.

Nov 19, 20213 min read
At the Center of All Things
From the center of Reality, the whole circumference of life is seen to be completely harmonious, for when the center is found, it becomes...

Nov 19, 20212 min read
Lastness and Firstness
My mother loved butterflies. Her house was full of them. Not the real kind, but butterfly pins, embroidered butterflies, painted...

Sep 2, 20213 min read
Unlock Creativity with a Digital Whiteboard
What do you do when you’re grappling with a bunch of random ideas all at once? So many of our digital tools are linear: word processors,...

May 27, 20218 min read
Empowering Girls — Global Sojourns Giving Circle
Twenty-five years ago, Priscilla Plummer was sitting with a group of women in a village in Mozambique. Knee-deep in the research for her...

Mar 5, 20212 min read
Just Take a Breath
How do we develop a learning mindset? It’s not possible to know everything, so obviously we’re going to have to learn as we go. But how...

Feb 12, 20212 min read
There’s always another dawn
It’s hard work, becoming conscious. And what makes it doubly hard is this: I wake up and look around. My eyes are open and it’s a...

Dec 9, 20202 min read
Listening as an Act of Courage
I’m part of a group dedicated to educating ourselves on racism and supporting one another in taking action. In each session, we deepen...

Nov 11, 20204 min read
Now the Real Work Begins: Learning Together
This country has been divided for so long that we need to re-learn how to work together. Our labels (right, left, black, white) have...

May 10, 20193 min read
Reaching Across the Generations
Have you ever noticed how we tend to separate people by age in this society? The young and the old are shuttered off by themselves. What...

Jan 11, 20192 min read
Learning Together
We’ve just finished a series on consultation and how it can be a powerful tool for learning together and building community. Now we’ll be...
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