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Local Action Modules

We're all familiar with the phrase "Think globally, act locally." Here is inspiration for taking local action. It's based on the growing global conversation around maximizing well-being rather than profits

These conversation starters also incorporate the skills of consultation. So choose a topic that interests you, grab a couple of friends and see what you can cook up together.

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These modules will eventually be compiled into a book. As we develop and refine them, we'd love to hear your insights, experiences and ideas. Please contact us with your feedback.

first page of Consultation DIY - Part 1 worksheet

Learn the skills of consultation while doodling, sketching, drawing your notes (Draw It Yourself).

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first page of Building Thriving Communities worksheet

Envision a positive future and start taking action to achieve it.

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first page of Family Wealth 001 worksheet

When we think of well-being as wealth, what better place to begin than with family?

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first page of Food Wealth worksheet

Let’s look at food as wealth. This module begins with an inventory of food sources and ends with lines of action.

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first page of Community Wealth Inventory Worksheet

Learn to read your reality in your local area. What is your neighborhood's "well-being wealth"?

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Die erste Seite des Arbeitsblattes „Blühende Gemeinden aufbauen“.

Stellen Sie sich eine und beginnen Sie mit den ersten Schritten, auf diese hinzuarbeiten.

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Die erste Seite des Arbeitsblatts zu Nahrungsmittel-Reichtum

Dieses Modul betrachtet die Nahrungsmittel, deren Herkunft und Eigenschaften als Reichtum. Es beginnt mit einer Bestandsaufnahme und führt durch Beratung bis zu konkreten Aktionen.

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Wenn wir uns das Wohlbefinden als „Reichtum“ vorstellen, ist ein guter Ansatz, dies für die Familie und ihre Umgebung zu betrachten.

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Inventaire des richesses communautaires

Apprenez à lire votre réalité dans votre quartier. Quelle est la "richesse de bien-être" de votre quartier ?

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Additional Resources

These ideas were inspired by Arthur Dahl and the team working on Global Solidarity Accounting, as well as the other resources listed below.

Global Solidarity Accounting

A new approach to measuring progress: rather than purely financial measures of wealth, GSA offers ways to think about measuring sustainability and human well-being.

One Planet, One Habitation

A Baha'i Perspective on Recasting Humanity's Relationship with the Natural World

The Prosperity of Humankind

The rising impulse for change in today’s world must be channelled into overcoming the remaining barriers to peace. This effort requires a vision of human prosperity in the fullest sense of the term.

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