At the Paris climate talks today, The Four Worlds International Institute is issuing an urgent call to all human beings on the planet to address the critical needs of Mother Earth. Take the time to read it—this message is for each one of us. The time is now.
Critical State of Our Mother Earth! COP21 – Immediate, Unprecedented, Unified Action Needed to Stop Runaway Climate Change December 6, 2015 – Paris, France More than 40 years ago, during the early years of North America’s “new” ecological consciousness, Ihantkowan Dakota Spiritual Leader Vine Deloria Sr. had a conversation with one of his elder cousins on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. As his cousin loved to learn new words in English, he asked Vine Sr. to explain to him what the word “ecology” meant.
Read the full article at: Critical State of Our Mother Earth! COP21-Unprecedented, Unified Action Needed to Stop Runaway Climate Change – The Four Worlds International Institute